Watch it here The Last Wallwalk the Movie v2 by Dopefish.
Watch it here The Last Wallwalk the Movie v2 by Dopefish.
So… ¡too much time without writting here!
I’ve been coding something that always was in my head, make an map editor for a game and make it web-based, the first try was the PHP clases for WoW. I’ve played this game for years, Soldat is a Windows game that is very simple but very addictive.
Make a map editor web-based with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery (JavaScript), SVG. Currently is a simple polygon creator, but that’s the key because the maps for soldat are composed by polygons, so with SVG we can render in our web browser the map and with jQuery edit them.
Due to standard of CSS problems currently only works with Firefox 4 & Google Chrome.
The base is fully base with jQuery and SVG, I use this jQuery code to render the polygons:
$(function() {
$('#SoldatEngine').svg({onLoad: drawInitial});
function drawInitial(svg) {
var g ={id: "Polygon"+Math.floor(Math.random()*11)});
var i=0;
for (i=0;i<=10;i++)
var Rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000);
svg.polygon(g,[[Rand,150],[Rand+150,150],[Rand+100,0]],{fill: '#ccc', stroke: '#000', strokeWidth: 1, class: "Polygon", id: "P"+Math.floor(Math.random()*101)});
Stay tuned for more updates!
Yep! Long time that I no update my BugCraft’s WarTool, today I’ve been exploring again the game and I’ve found a method to walk through the walls (of an building) and with this method you can walk above the elements that have got collision.
I’ve called this new method the Ninja! function.
About the keybinding:
Yup! another funny function:Click here if you don’t know what is a Goatse
This function will make a hole and it can too fix holes . I used jQuery to make it user friendly.
How to use :
$MyADT = new ADT();
$MyADT->ADT_Open("maps/Azeroth_32_48 - copia.adt");
echo $MyADT->ADT_Show_Goatse();
It will make an HTML table and with this one you can edit the ADT. For example :
Final result:
These last days I didn’t wrote anything, that’s because I came back to work after the holidays and this week it’s been really awesome for me!
There are a lot of people in internet that have talked about the conference, this is the most awesome thing for me!!!
If you did miss the conference, here is the full video, The conference starts at 12:00 m/s
And at the finish of the video there is no audio I’ll upload the entire video that I recorded with my personal camera this week…
Here is some photos that my friends made during the conference:
Here is the full source code of the APPs that I made for the conference that i’ll give tomorrow at Campus-Party.
– Download
If you have some question i will be pleased of speak with you -> karliky [AT] gmail….
Today was released StarCraft II!
Ten years waiting for this moment!
Blizzard have done a good job with this game, but, they didn’t fixed easy methods of hacking, for example, you can modify your resources in a multiplayer game O_O.
I’ve done a simple app in C# to test just some of the concepts that I found.
Hooray! ._ .
I’ve implemented a function that can change the heigth of a map, very simply to use:
$MyAdt = new ADT();
$MyAdt->ADT_Open("../../maps/Azeroth_32_48 - copia.adt");
$MyAdt->ADT_Terrain_UP(35,"up");// or down!